I am happy that you have discovered my site! For as long as I can remember, I have found contentment in creating things. Handmade jewelry, art, and even music. Nature has always inspired me to "make stuff" from items I collected on an adventure, or created from the memory of visually stunning experiences. Sometimes I love them, and sometimes I learn from them. But the joy was in the creative journey. After some encouragement, I decided to venture into selling my creations! I hope you will find something here that brings you joy or sparks a memory of your own.
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Why the Dragonfly?
Not only is my logo adorned with a dragonfly, but many of my pieces include them I grew up near water so have always been fascinated by them. But after some “hard” life experiences, I seemed especially drawn to their spiritual meaning.
In almost every part of the world, the dragonfly symbolizes change; not only the change of self-realization; and emotional maturity but the understanding of the deeper meaning of life. To the Japanese, it symbolizes summer and fall and is so respected that the Samurai use it as a symbol of power, agility, and Victory. Among Native Americans, it is a sign of speed, purity, and happiness. The dragonfly's magical iridescence of color is seen as the discovery of one’s own creative abilities and sense of identity. There is even an Irish myth that the dragonfly is a miniature dragon of the faerie realm.
There are many wonderful qualities that dragonflies symbolize. I hope that one of my pieces, with or without a dragonfly, will capture a positive feeling for you. Welcome to VirgoSong.