Shimmering Copper, and yellow, blue, red and white flowers glisten and swirl in this sweet and simple glass heart.
Silk cord is aproimately 13 inches.
Glass Heart
Excluding Sales Tax
I am happy that you have discovered my site! For as long as I can remember, I have found contentment in creating things. Handmade jewelry, art, and even music. Nature has always inspired me to "make stuff" from items I collected on an adventure, or created from the memory of visually stunning experiences. Sometimes I love them, and sometimes I learn from them. But the joy was in the creative journey. After some encouragement, I decided to venture into selling my creations! I hope you will find something here that brings you joy or sparks a memory of your own.
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Shimmering Copper, and yellow, blue, red and white flowers glisten and swirl in this sweet and simple glass heart.
Silk cord is aproimately 13 inches.